ATV's popular TV show & 70s period drama Bir Zamanlar Çukurova, continues to make waves by featuring phenomenal music. The specific placement of songs has re...
Vurgun, one of Gold Yapım's most successful TV productions at the moment lit up Fox TV with a sync so perfect all its viewers got very excited. Ali Kocatepe's p...
Bir Zamanlar Çukurova has not only been raking in the viewers, making it one of the popular TV series at the moment, but it has also been receiving a lot of pra...
27th of November 2017 Istanbul Dear Paul, My Dear Friend, It was a month ago that we had a wonderful evening in LA in Musso & Frank restaurant with Chris...
Following his debut album in 2000, Turgay Başyayla has not stopped for a second as he continued to work in music and TV. Despite the busy schedule he has just r...