The TV soap Bedel is a story of two men who instead of being brothers become enemies and fight against each other for the love of the same woman, affecting ever...
We can't wait to share our recent excitement! The film Nightcrawler which has already received 36 awards is up for an Oscar and the track Mr.Jolly (Ö. Salur) f...
If all you have on your mind as we enter February is loooove and Valentine's Day then we have prepared the perfect playlist to give you exactly what you need....
The soap known for a long time by its former name Cennet Mahallesi has made a return to TV this season with its new name Roman Havası. Starring Oya Başar, Leve...
MUZ 47 – CLASSIC GUITAR / KLASİK GİTAR Paul Dwyer's second album for the Muzikotek Music Library is a compilation of world and Anatolian classics performed onl...