The tension-packed movie “AV: The Hunt” directed by Emre Akay and cowritten with Deniz Cuylan hit the big screen in Turkey on October 1st.theaters. The movie...
Cenk Eren who has a long list of successful album projects to his name, has now added another great release to the list. The summer of 2021 will be spiced up...
Dağlardır Dağlar is a cult Turkish pop song which our composer Ali Kocatepe composed for the unforgettable poem written by Sabahattin Ali. This wonderful song h...
Despite an extended public holiday in which we all got a much needed rest, our licensing was still on track. One of those that stands out, was for Türkiye İş...
Due to the pandemic, the majority of e-commerce companies upgraded their business models in order to integrate home delivery grocery services which became a rea...